Private user database

Each registered user gets a private database (10GB) called gaia_user_<username>, where <username> is your own user name. All results from your queries will be stored in this database.

The table of a query result gets the same name as the query job; you can change this name any time by clicking on your job in the Job list of the Query form, selecting the tab for "Job Details" and then below the table click the "Rename table" link. Note that you must be logged in to see your own job list, since only you yourself have access to your results.

The table of your private database can be queried like any other database using SELECT statements. You can also browse the available tables and their columns using the Database Browser above the Query Form.

Jobs and their corresponding result tables can be deleted via the "Remove Job" link below the job details in the Job Details tab.

Upload your own tables

You may need to cross-match a Gaia release with an external catalogue not hosted at AIP. In this case you can upload any VOtable to your private user space at Gaia@AIP.

You can upload a table from the Query interface Upload VOTable.
