Query interface
There is one job in the queue.
There are {$ service.status.queued_jobs $} jobs in the queue.
You are using the guest user. For a personal account, please sign up here.
The guest user is using {$ service.status.size | bytes $} of its quota of {$ service.status.quota | bytes $}.
You are using {$ service.status.size | bytes $} of your quota of {$ service.status.quota | bytes $}.
The Quota is exceeded. Please remove some jobs.
The query jobs of the guest user will be automatically archived after one week.
SQL query
Place your SQL statement directly in the text area below and submit your request using the button. You can use the dropdown menus to get information about the database, to query external services or to access example queries.
Optionally, you can specify the name of the resulting database table and/or asign a run id, to group associated queries in the job list. Please choose a queue with a suitable timeout for your query.
A double click will paste the schema/table/column into the query field.
A double click will paste the column into the query field.
- {$ error $}
Object | Type | Coordinates |
{$ row.object $} | {$ row.type $} | {$ row.ra $} {$ row.de $} |
A click will paste a coordinate into the query field.
- {$ error $}
ID | Coordinates | Distance | Catalog |
{$ row.id $} | {$ row.ra $} {$ row.de $} | {$ row.distance $} | {$ row.catalog $} |
A click will paste a value into the query field.
A double click will replace the content of the query field with the example.
{$ service.forms.sql.errors.detail $}
There has been an error on the server. Please contact the maintainers of this site, if the problem persists.
Cone search
Please specify a coordinate in right ascension (RA) and declination (DEC) and a cone radius. The query will result in objects that have coordinates in the search cone.
Optionally, you can specify the name of the resulting database table and/or asign a run id, to group associated queries in the job list. Please choose a queue with a suitable timeout for your query.
{$ service.forms.cone.errors.detail $}
There has been an error on the server. Please contact the maintainers of this site, if the problem persists.
Upload VOTable
Please specify a local VOTable to upload and ingest as a new job into your user database. The job's table can be used in together with other tables in subsequent queries using JOIN and similar SQL commands. VOTables can be created using TOPCAT or astropy.
Optionally, you can specify the name of the resulting database table and/or asign a run id, as with regular queries.
{$ service.forms.upload.errors.detail $}
There has been an error on the server. Please contact the maintainers of this site, if the problem persists
Query job `{$ service.job.table_name $}`
On this page, you can find an overview about a submitted query job. For a table view of the results, the plotting tool, and to access the download form, please use the tabs at the top of the page.
- Job status
- {$ (service.phases|filter: {'id': service.job.phase})[0].text $}
- Error
- {$ service.job.error_summary $}
- Full database table name
- {$ service.job.schema_name $}.{$ service.job.table_name $}
- Internal job id
- {$ service.job.id $}
- Time submitted
- {$ service.job.creation_time $}
- Queue
- {$ (service.queues|filter: {'id': service.job.queue})[0].text $}
- Time in queue
- {$ service.job.time_queue $} s
- Time for query
- {$ service.job.time_query $} s
- Number of rows
- {$ service.job.nrows $}
- Size of the table
- {$ service.job.size | bytes $}
- Source tables
- {$ source.schema_name $}.{$ source.table_name $}
{$ column.label $}
{$ column.name $}
{$ row[column_index] | number : service.table.column_round[column_index] $}
{$ row[column_index] $}
No rows were retrieved.
For performance reasons, we plot only the first {$ service.plot.params.page_size $} rows. WebGL is enabled (disable). WebGL is disabled (enable).
For further processing of the data, you can download the results table to your local machine. For this file several formats are available. Please choose a format for the download from the list below.
Download table
A XML file using the IVOA VOTable format. Use this option if you intend to use VO compatible software to further process the data.
A text file with a line for each row of the table. The fields are delimited by a comma and quoted by double quotes. Use this option for a later import into a spreadsheed application or a custom script. Use this option if you are unsure what to use.
Simple Join Service
We are sorry, but spectra download is only possible for jobs, which have {$ service.downloads.spectra.options.max_rows $} rows or less.
Your file is being created. Please wait...
The download file could not be created.