FPR: Query all sources (DR3 + FPR) in Omega-Cen (PostgreSQL/Optimized)
This query selects all sources incl. Gaia DR3 and Gaia FPR in the crowded field 0.8 degrees around the Omega-Cen cluster centre.
SELECT source_id, ref_epoch, ra, ra_error, dec, dec_error, pmra, pmra_error, pmdec, pmdec_error, phot_g_mean_mag, l, b, n_scans, 'fpr' as origin FROM gaiafpr.crowded_field_source UNION SELECT source_id, ref_epoch, ra, ra_error, dec, dec_error, pmra, pmra_error, pmdec, pmdec_error, phot_g_mean_mag, l, b, -1 as nscans, 'dr3' as origin FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source WHERE pos @ SCIRCLE(SPOINT(RADIANS(201.69399972775088),RADIANS(-47.484610741298994)), RADIANS(0.8))
FPR: Query all sources (DR3 + FPR) in Omega-Cen (ADQL/Interoperable)
This query selects all sources incl. Gaia DR3 and Gaia FPR in the crowded field 0.8 degrees around the Omega-Cen cluster centre.
SELECT source_id, ref_epoch, ra, ra_error, dec, dec_error, pmra, pmra_error, pmdec, pmdec_error, phot_g_mean_mag, l, b, n_scans, 'fpr' as origin FROM gaiafpr.crowded_field_source UNION SELECT source_id, ref_epoch, ra, ra_error, dec, dec_error, pmra, pmra_error, pmdec, pmdec_error, phot_g_mean_mag, l, b, -1 as nscans, 'dr3' as origin FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source WHERE 1=CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', ra, dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 201.69399972775088,-47.484610741298994, 0.8))
FPR: count the number of voxels/spectra per healpix
This query counts the number of spectra available for each healpix.
SELECT sub.healpix, COUNT(*) as nbr_spectra FROM (SELECT healpix FROM "gaiafpr"."interstellar_medium_spectra" GROUP BY (lc, bc, dc, healpix)) AS sub GROUP BY sub.healpix HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ORDER BY sub.healpix ASC
FPR: Query LPV related data
This query retrieves the principal quantity from GaiaDR3 and FPR Long Period Variable (LPV) product.
SELECT gs.source_id, gs.ra, gs.dec, fprlpv.frequency_rv, fprlpv.frequency_rv_error, fprlpv.amplitude_rv, fprlpv.flag_rv FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source_lite as gs LEFT JOIN gaiafpr.vari_long_period_variable as fprlpv ON gs.source_id = fprlpv.source_id WHERE fprlpv.source_id IS NOT NULL
FPR: Radial velocity time series
Retrieve the radial velocity time series from Gaia FPR.
SELECT fprlpv.source_id, varirv.transit_id, varirv.rv_obs_time, varirv.radial_velocity, varirv.radial_velocity_error, varirv.rejected_by_variability FROM gaiafpr.vari_long_period_variable as fprlpv LEFT JOIN gaiafpr.vari_epoch_radial_velocity as varirv ON varirv.source_id = fprlpv.source_id WHERE fprlpv.source_id IS NOT NULL
FPR: SSO orbital solutions state vector
Retrieve the state vector and semi-major axis uncertainty for all the valid orbital solutions.
SELECT "number_mp", "denomination", "epoch_state_vector", h_state_vector[1] AS x, h_state_vector[2] AS y, h_state_vector[3] AS z, h_state_vector[4] AS vx, h_state_vector[5] AS vy, h_state_vector[6] AS vz, SQRT(orbital_elements_var_covar_matrix[1]) AS sigma FROM "gaiafpr"."sso_source" WHERE orbital_elements_var_covar_matrix[1] > 0 ORDER BY "number_mp" ASC
FPR: ConeSearch on Interstellar Medium Spectra
A Cone Search query for GaiaFPR Interstellar Medium Spectra table (using a helping table)
SELECT ism.healpix as healpix, ism.lc as lc, ism.bc as bc, ism.dc, coord.ra as ra, coord.dec as dec, ism.lambda as lambda, ism.flux as flux, ism.flux_uncertainty as flux_uncertainty FROM gaiafpr.interstellar_medium_spectra as ism, gaiafpr_contrib.ism_gaiagal_to_eq as coord WHERE coord.pos @ SCIRCLE(SPOINT(RADIANS(201.69399972775088),RADIANS(-47.484610741298994)), RADIANS(2)) AND ism.lc = coord.lc AND ism.bc = coord.bc
FPR: Selecting Interstellar Spectra with cone search
Select the composed ID (healpix, dc) of a spectra in a cone search.
SELECT ism.healpix, ism.dc, COUNT(*) as res FROM gaiafpr.interstellar_medium_spectra as ism, gaiafpr_contrib.ism_gaiagal_to_eq as coord WHERE coord.pos @ SCIRCLE(SPOINT(RADIANS(201.69399972775088),RADIANS(-47.484610741298994)), RADIANS(2)) AND ism.lc = coord.lc AND ism.bc = coord.bc GROUP BY ism.healpix, ism.dc ORDER BY ism.dc ASC
FPR: Count number of spectra (voxels) in a cone search
Count the number of spectra available in a cone search.
SELECT COUNT(*) as nbr_voxels FROM (SELECT ism.healpix, ism.dc FROM gaiafpr.interstellar_medium_spectra as ism, gaiafpr_contrib.ism_gaiagal_to_eq as coord WHERE coord.pos @ SCIRCLE(SPOINT(RADIANS(201.69399972775088),RADIANS(-47.484610741298994)), RADIANS(2)) AND ism.lc = coord.lc AND ism.bc = coord.bc GROUP BY ism.dc, ism.healpix ORDER BY ism.dc ASC) as spectra
DR3: light version of gaia_source
This is a reduced pre-selection of columns of gaiadr3.gaia_source.
-- A light version of gaia_source -- -- LANG: POstgres -- QUEUE: 30s -- SELECT * FROM "gaiadr3"."gaia_source_lite" LIMIT 2000
DR3: Select a random sample of sources with RVS Mean Spectrum
Select 2000 random sources with a RVS mean spectrum. These spectra can be visualized with help of the spectra viewer. Additionally this table can then be used with the Simple Join Service to retrieve the spectra.
-- SELECT 2000 random sources with RVS Mean Spectrum -- -- LANG: Postgres -- QUEUE: 30s -- SELECT source_id FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source_lite WHERE has_rvs = True AND random_index BETWEEN 500000 AND 1000000 LIMIT 2000
DR3: Select a random sample of sources with a Xp Sampled Mean Spectrum
Select 2000 random sources with a sampled mean spectrum. This table can then be used with the Simple Join Service to retrieve the spectra.
-- SELECT 2000 random sources with Xp Continuous Mean Spectrum -- -- LANG: Postgres -- QUEUE: 30s -- SELECT source_id FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source_lite WHERE has_xp_sampled = True AND random_index BETWEEN 500000 AND 1000000 LIMIT 2000
DR3: Select 2000 random sources with variability information
Select a random sample of 2000 sources with informations in the vari tables.
-- SELECT 2000 random sources with variable informations -- -- LANG: Postgres -- QUEUE: 30s -- SELECT gs.source_id, vs."in_vari_classification_result", vs."in_vari_rrlyrae", vs."in_vari_cepheid", vs."in_vari_planetary_transit", vs."in_vari_short_timescale", vs."in_vari_long_period_variable", vs."in_vari_eclipsing_binary", vs."in_vari_rotation_modulation", vs."in_vari_ms_oscillator", vs."in_vari_agn", vs."in_vari_microlensing", vs."in_vari_compact_companion" FROM gaiadr3.gaia_source_lite as gs, gaiadr3.vari_summary as vs WHERE gs."phot_variable_flag" = 'VARIABLE' AND gs.source_id = vs.source_id AND gs.random_index BETWEEN 500000 AND 1000000 LIMIT 2000
DR3: Query the datalink flags
Select all datalink flags columns
-- Query the Datalink flags -- -- LANG: Potsgres -- QUEUE: 30s -- SELECT "source_id", "phot_variable_flag", "in_qso_candidates", "in_galaxy_candidates", "non_single_star", "has_xp_continuous", "has_xp_sampled", "has_rvs", "has_epoch_photometry", "has_epoch_rv", "has_mcmc_gspphot", "has_mcmc_msc", "in_andromeda_survey" FROM "gaiadr3"."gaia_source_lite" LIMIT 2000
EDR3: Compare coordinates between DR2 and EDR3
Compare coordinates between DR2 and EDR3
-- Compare coordinates between DR2 and EDR3 -- LANGUAGE = PostgreSQL -- QUEUE = 5m SELECT dr2.ra as dr2_ra, dr2.dec as dr2_dec, edr3.ra as edr3_ra, edr3.dec as dr3_dec FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source AS dr2, gaiaedr3.gaia_source AS edr3, gaiaedr3.dr2_neighbourhood AS xm WHERE dr2.source_id = xm.dr2_source_id AND edr3.source_id = xm.dr3_source_id LIMIT 100000
EDR3: Query for the zero-point correction tutorial
Query for the zero-point correction tutorial. ref: https://gitlab.com/icc-ub/public/gaiadr3_zeropoint/-/tree/master
-- Query for the zero-point correction tutorial -- LANGUAGE = PostgreSQL -- QUEUE = 30s SELECT * FROM "gaiaedr3"."gaia_source" WHERE "phot_g_mean_mag" BETWEEN 17.9 AND 18.1 AND "random_index" BETWEEN 700000000 AND 701000000
EDR3: Query for G-band magnitude/flux corrections for 6-p Gaia EDR3 sources
Query for G-band magnitude/flux corrections for 6-p Gaia EDR3 sources. ref: https://github.com/agabrown/gaiaedr3-6p-gband-correction
-- Query for G-band magnitude/flux corrections for 6-p Gaia EDR3 sources -- LANGUAGE = PostgreSQL -- QUEUE = 30s SELECT "source_id", "astrometric_params_solved", "bp_rp", "phot_g_mean_mag", "phot_g_mean_flux" FROM "gaiaedr3"."gaia_source" WHERE "random_index" BETWEEN 5000000 AND 5999999
EDR3: Query for the calculation of the corrected flux excess factor
Query for the calculation of the corrected flux excess factor. ref: https://github.com/agabrown/gaiaedr3-flux-excess-correction
-- Query for the calculation of the corrected flux excess factor -- LANGUAGE = PostgreSQL -- QUEUE = 30s SELECT "source_id", "bp_rp", "phot_bp_rp_excess_factor" FROM "gaiaedr3"."gaia_source" WHERE "random_index" BETWEEN 1000000 AND 1999999
EDR3: select 6p stars with pseudo-colour
Select 6p stars with pseudo-colour.
-- Select 6p stars with pseudo-colour -- LANGUAGE = PostgreSQL -- QUEUE = 30s -- Note: astrometric_params_solved 2p: 3 - 5p: 31 - 6p: 95 SELECT "source_id", "astrometric_params_solved", "pseudocolour", "pseudocolour_error" FROM "gaiaedr3"."gaia_source" WHERE "astrometric_params_solved" = 95 LIMIT 10
EDR3: parallax typically improves to 20% from DR2 to EDR3
Select stars which show a 20% improvement in the parallax precision from DR2 to EDR3. ref: Documentation (7.1)
-- parallax typically improves to 20% from DR2 to EDR3 -- LANGUAGE = PostgreSQL -- QUEUE = 30s SELECT edr3."source_id" AS edr3_source_id, dr2."source_id" AS dr2_source_id, -- parallax of EDR3 edr3."parallax" AS edr3_parallax, edr3."parallax_error" AS edr3_parallax_error, edr3."parallax_over_error" AS edr3_parallax_over_error, -- parallax of DR2 dr2."parallax_error" AS dr2_parallax_error, dr2."parallax" AS dr2_parallax, dr2."parallax_over_error" AS dr2_parallax_over_error, -- ratio of the error edr3.parallax_error/dr2.parallax_error AS ratio FROM "gaiaedr3"."dr2_neighbourhood" AS "dr2_neigh", "gaiaedr3"."gaia_source" AS "edr3", "gaiadr2"."gaia_source" AS "dr2" -- Cross-match source_id WHERE "dr2_neigh"."dr3_source_id" = "edr3"."source_id" AND "dr2_neigh"."dr3_source_id" = "dr2"."source_id" -- When parallax are positive AND dr2.parallax > 0. AND edr3.parallax > 0. -- Preselect good parallax (from EDR3 AND edr3.parallax_over_error > 10. -- Look for the 20% improvement claim AND edr3.parallax_error/dr2.parallax_error < 0.8 -- 20 % improvement LIMIT 10
EDR3: Histogram of the magnitude difference between DR2 and EDR3
Histogram of the magnitude difference between DR2 and EDR3. ref: Documentation (9.3)
-- Histogram of the magnitude difference between DR2 and EDR3 -- LANGUAGE = ADQL -- QUEUE = 2h SELECT FLOOR(magnitude_difference * 1000.) / 1000. AS magnitude_difference_bin, count(*) AS n FROM gaiaedr3.dr2_neighbourhood WHERE angular_distance < 100. GROUP BY magnitude_difference_bin ORDER BY magnitude_difference_bin
DR2: Gaia data with 2MASS photometry
Combine Gaia information with 2MASS J, H and Ks photometric measurements.
-- Gaia + 2MASS photometry SELECT TOP 10 gaia.ra, gaia.dec, gaia.phot_g_mean_mag, gaia.phot_bp_mean_mag, gaia.phot_rp_mean_mag, tmass.j_m, tmass.h_m, tmass.k_m, tmass.ph_qual FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source AS gaia, gaiadr2.tmass_best_neighbour AS xm, catalogs.tmass AS tmass WHERE gaia.source_id = xm.source_id AND xm.tmass_oid = tmass.tmass_oid;
DR2: Orbital elements of Solar System Objects
Select orbital elements of all available SSOs.
SELECT osc_epoch, orb_m, omega, node_omega, inclination, eccentricity, a FROM gaiadr2.aux_sso_orbits;
DR2: Epoch photometry data with more than 100 measurements
Select first 10 light curves that have more than 100 points. This query operates on data that is packed into arrays and must therefore be run with PostgreSQL.
-- Run with PostgreSQL SELECT gaia.ra, gaia.dec, ep.source_id, ep.g_transit_time, ep.g_transit_flux FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source AS gaia, gaiadr2.epoch_photometry AS ep WHERE array_length(ep.g_transit_time, 1) > 100 AND ep.source_id = gaia.source_id LIMIT 10;
DR2: Parameters of bright stars with radial velocity measurements
-- Replace COUNT(*) with requested columns SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source WHERE phot_g_mean_mag < 12 AND radial_velocity IS NOT NULL;
DR2: All-sky radial velocity map
Select stars with radial velocity measurements, use the source_id to compute the HEALPix index and uniformly limit the number of stars using random_index.
-- Compute HEALPix value from source_id SELECT FLOOR(source_id / (POW(2, 35) * POW(4, 6))) AS hpix, radial_velocity AS rv FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source WHERE random_index < 10000000 AND radial_velocity IS NOT NULL;
DR2: M4 globular cluster with geometric distances using ADQL
SELECT gaia.source_id, gaia.ra, gaia.dec, gd.r_est FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source gaia, gaiadr2_contrib.geometric_distance gd WHERE 1 = CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', gaia.ra, gaia.dec), CIRCLE('ICRS',245.8962, -26.5222, 0.5)) AND gaia.phot_g_mean_mag < 15 AND gd.r_est > 1500 AND gd.r_est < 2300 AND gaia.source_id = gd.source_id
DR2: Compare coordinates between Gaia DR1 and DR2
SELECT TOP 1000 dr1.ra as dr1_ra, dr1.dec as dr1_dec, dr2.ra as dr2_ra, dr2.dec as dr2_dec FROM gaiadr1.gaia_source AS dr1, gaiadr2.gaia_source AS dr2, gaiadr2.dr1_neighbourhood AS xm WHERE dr1.source_id = xm.dr1_source_id AND dr2.source_id = xm.dr2_source_id;
DR2: 47Tuc Hertzsprung–Russell diagram
Hertzsprung–Russell diagram of the famous globular cluster 47Tuc.
SELECT bp_rp, phot_g_mean_mag AS gp FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source WHERE 1 = CONTAINS(POINT('ICRS', ra, dec), CIRCLE('ICRS', 6.0223292, -72.0814444, 0.2)) AND phot_g_mean_flux_over_error > 50 AND phot_rp_mean_flux_over_error > 20 AND phot_bp_mean_flux_over_error > 20 AND phot_bp_rp_excess_factor < 1.3 + 0.06 * POW(bp_rp, 2) AND phot_bp_rp_excess_factor > 1.0 + 0.015 * POW(bp_rp, 2) AND visibility_periods_used > 8 AND astrometric_chi2_al / (astrometric_n_good_obs_al - 5) < 1.44 * greatest(1, exp(-0.4 * (phot_g_mean_mag - 19.5)));
DR1: Number of TGAS stars with parallax / parallax_error > 10
Count the number of stars in the TGAS catalog with parallax / parallax_error > 10;
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source WHERE parallax / parallax_error > 10;
DR1: Histogram of TGAS G magnitudes
Compute the histogram of TGAS G magnitudes.
SELECT gmag * 0.1 AS gmag_bin, COUNT(gmag) AS number FROM ( SELECT FLOOR(phot_g_mean_mag * 10) AS gmag FROM gaiadr1.tgas_source ) AS gmag_tab GROUP BY gmag;
DR1: M4 globular cluster using PostgreSQL
-- Run with PostgreSQL -- Input of function spoint() must be in radians! SELECT ra, dec, phot_g_mean_mag AS gmag FROM gaiadr1.gaia_source WHERE pos @ scircle(spoint(RADIANS(245.8962), RADIANS(-26.5222)), RADIANS(0.5)) AND phot_g_mean_mag < 15
Easter egg
This examples shows how to make complex spatial selections using polygons.
-- Run with PostgreSQL SELECT ra, dec FROM gaiadr2.gaia_source WHERE pos @ sbox(spoint(0.0, RADIANS(0.5)), spoint(RADIANS(4.0), RADIANS(7.0))) AND pos !@ spoly '{(0.610000d,1.040000d), (0.690000d,1.040000d), (1.050000d,1.990000d), (1.140000d,2.000000d), (1.480000d,1.040000d), (1.540000d,1.040000d), (1.540000d,0.970000d), (1.200000d,0.970000d), (1.200000d,1.040000d), (1.300000d,1.040000d), (1.050000d,1.740000d), (0.910000d,1.380000d), (1.170000d,1.370000d), (1.200000d,1.280000d), (0.880000d,1.280000d), (0.790000d,1.040000d), (0.890000d,1.040000d), (0.900000d,0.970000d), (0.600000d,0.970000d)}' AND pos !@ spoly '{(1.690000d,0.970000d), (1.690000d,1.040000d), (1.810000d,1.040000d), (1.810000d,1.930000d), (1.690000d,1.940000d), (1.690000d,2.010000d), (2.120000d,2.010000d), (2.120000d,1.940000d), (2.000000d,1.940000d), (2.000000d,1.050000d), (2.120000d,1.040000d), (2.110000d,0.970000d)}' AND pos !@ spoly '{(2.310000d,0.970000d), (2.310000d,1.040000d), (2.420000d,1.050000d), (2.420000d,1.940000d), (2.310000d,1.940000d), (2.310000d,2.010000d), (2.810000d,2.010000d), (2.870000d,2.000000d), (2.940000d,1.960000d), (2.990000d,1.920000d), (3.020000d,1.880000d), (3.060000d,1.800000d), (3.070000d,1.730000d), (3.060000d,1.630000d), (3.020000d,1.540000d), (2.960000d,1.480000d), (2.890000d,1.430000d), (2.810000d,1.400000d), (2.720000d,1.390000d), (2.670000d,1.400000d), (2.670000d,1.480000d), (2.750000d,1.480000d), (2.820000d,1.530000d), (2.860000d,1.600000d), (2.870000d,1.750000d), (2.840000d,1.820000d), (2.800000d,1.890000d), (2.750000d,1.920000d), (2.610000d,1.910000d), (2.610000d,1.040000d), (2.740000d,1.040000d), (2.740000d,0.970000d)}' AND pos !@ spoly '{(0.290000d,2.620000d), (0.700000d,2.650000d), (1.060000d,2.670000d), (1.450000d,2.690000d), (2.060000d,2.690000d), (2.530000d,2.680000d), (3.020000d,2.660000d), (3.300000d,2.630000d), (3.650000d,2.600000d), (3.840000d,2.580000d), (3.810000d,2.510000d), (3.340000d,2.550000d), (2.900000d,2.560000d), (2.500000d,2.580000d), (2.000000d,2.590000d), (1.500000d,2.580000d), (1.040000d,2.570000d), (0.670000d,2.560000d), (0.160000d,2.520000d), (-0.020000d,2.500000d)}' AND pos !@ spoly '{(0.280000d,6.560000d), (0.420000d,6.580000d), (0.630000d,6.590000d), (1.000000d,6.590000d), (1.330000d,6.560000d), (1.550000d,6.520000d), (1.760000d,6.480000d), (2.050000d,6.410000d), (2.290000d,6.330000d), (2.560000d,6.230000d), (2.860000d,6.100000d), (3.090000d,5.970000d), (3.310000d,5.830000d), (3.550000d,5.660000d), (3.710000d,5.540000d), (3.830000d,5.430000d), (3.770000d,5.380000d), (3.630000d,5.500000d), (3.470000d,5.610000d), (3.280000d,5.730000d), (3.050000d,5.870000d), (2.880000d,5.970000d), (2.640000d,6.080000d), (2.370000d,6.190000d), (2.130000d,6.280000d), (1.840000d,6.360000d), (1.570000d,6.420000d), (1.260000d,6.470000d), (0.980000d,6.490000d), (0.760000d,6.490000d), (0.320000d,6.490000d)}' AND pos !@ spoly '{(1.050000d,3.320000d), (1.100000d,3.780000d), (1.170000d,4.170000d), (1.270000d,4.560000d), (1.400000d,4.930000d), (1.510000d,5.230000d), (1.590000d,5.410000d), (1.720000d,5.650000d), (1.840000d,5.880000d), (1.960000d,6.060000d), (2.410000d,5.890000d), (2.670000d,5.770000d), (2.950000d,5.630000d), (2.880000d,5.330000d), (2.810000d,4.980000d), (2.750000d,4.690000d), (2.700000d,4.300000d), (2.670000d,3.960000d), (2.630000d,3.420000d), (2.630000d,2.930000d), (2.410000d,2.950000d), (1.900000d,2.970000d), (1.060000d,2.940000d)}' OR ( pos @ spoly '{(1.580000d,3.250000d), (1.610000d,3.370000d), (1.650000d,3.250000d), (1.760000d,3.220000d), (1.640000d,3.190000d), (1.610000d,3.070000d), (1.580000d,3.190000d), (1.470000d,3.220000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(1.850000d,3.460000d), (1.890000d,3.580000d), (1.940000d,3.460000d), (2.070000d,3.410000d), (1.950000d,3.350000d), (1.890000d,3.220000d), (1.850000d,3.350000d), (1.730000d,3.390000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(2.290000d,3.850000d), (2.320000d,3.980000d), (2.350000d,3.870000d), (2.470000d,3.830000d), (2.340000d,3.790000d), (2.320000d,3.680000d), (2.280000d,3.790000d), (2.190000d,3.820000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(1.790000d,4.540000d), (1.840000d,4.740000d), (1.900000d,4.540000d), (2.060000d,4.490000d), (1.900000d,4.420000d), (1.840000d,4.260000d), (1.790000d,4.420000d), (1.630000d,4.480000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(2.030000d,4.590000d), (2.070000d,4.710000d), (2.110000d,4.590000d), (2.220000d,4.560000d), (2.120000d,4.530000d), (2.070000d,4.410000d), (2.030000d,4.530000d), (1.920000d,4.560000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(2.480000d,4.540000d), (2.510000d,4.640000d), (2.560000d,4.530000d), (2.650000d,4.510000d), (2.550000d,4.470000d), (2.520000d,4.350000d), (2.480000d,4.460000d), (2.370000d,4.500000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(1.820000d,4.780000d), (1.870000d,4.840000d), (1.900000d,4.780000d), (1.960000d,4.740000d), (1.910000d,4.710000d), (1.870000d,4.650000d), (1.820000d,4.710000d), (1.780000d,4.730000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(1.940000d,4.840000d), (1.960000d,4.890000d), (2.000000d,4.830000d), (2.030000d,4.820000d), (2.000000d,4.790000d), (1.970000d,4.740000d), (1.940000d,4.790000d), (1.900000d,4.810000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(2.250000d,4.970000d), (2.290000d,5.090000d), (2.340000d,4.980000d), (2.440000d,4.940000d), (2.330000d,4.900000d), (2.300000d,4.800000d), (2.270000d,4.900000d), (2.160000d,4.930000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(2.340000d,5.660000d), (2.360000d,5.710000d), (2.400000d,5.660000d), (2.470000d,5.640000d), (2.420000d,5.590000d), (2.370000d,5.520000d), (2.330000d,5.590000d), (2.270000d,5.620000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(1.720000d,5.180000d), (1.770000d,5.210000d), (1.830000d,5.210000d), (1.870000d,5.180000d), (1.880000d,5.120000d), (1.860000d,5.060000d), (1.830000d,5.040000d), (1.780000d,5.040000d), (1.720000d,5.060000d), (1.710000d,5.090000d)}' OR pos @ spoly '{(2.090000d,4.760000d), (2.130000d,4.870000d), (2.160000d,4.770000d), (2.270000d,4.740000d), (2.170000d,4.690000d), (2.130000d,4.590000d), (2.100000d,4.690000d), (1.990000d,4.720000d)}' )